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Mendeley - reference management tool

Saving PDF files

You can easily save a PDF file in Mendeley by:

  • Dropping files into your library, using the drag-and-drop function
  • Selecting Add new and Files from computer.

The PDF file and its reference details (title, year of publication, author etc.) will be stored in your Mendeley account. You can make changes to the reference details if needed.

Saving references manually

It is also possible to add a reference manually, e.g. if you are using a printed source that is not available in an electronic format.

  • Select Add New, and Add Manual Entry.
  • Type in the necessary information.
  • If the article/document has a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier), that is enough to get all the information.

Using Mendeley Web Importer

You can save a reference from a database or website in the following way:

  • Visit the website or look up the article that you want to export to Mendeley.
  • Click on Mendeley Web Importer in your browser (you need to install it first).
  • Log in to your Mendeley account.
  • Select a folder that you want to add the reference to, if you have several folders (see below). You can also make changes to the reference details by clicking Edit.
  • Select the references that you want to add and then click Add.
  • Click on View library or open Mendeley Reference Manager to see the reference. Click on Sync if the reference does not appear immediately.

Saving RIS, XML or BibTex files

Most databases provide a function called Export. This function allows you to save a reference in different file formats, e.g. RIS, XML or BibTex.

  • Click on Cite or Export (depending on the database) and save the reference to your computer in the file format that you want.
  • Import the file to Mendeley by selecting ”Add new” and ”Import library”, then the right file format.
  • You might need to make changes to the entry if the reference details are incomplete.

In this way you can also move references from another reference management application (e.g. RefWorks, Zotero) to your Mendeley account. RIS files also allow you to export items from Arcada Finna to Mendeley.

Mendeley Search

On the Mendeley website you can search for references added by other Mendeley users. Note that it is not possible to get all of these articles in full text.

  • Open Mendeley Search
  • Search for articles using the search field
  • Click on Add to library
  • Log in to your Mendeley account
