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Library Services for Arcada Staff

Welcome to the Libguide for staff at Arcada UAS. Here you find information about the materials and services offered by the Arcada library.

Publications from Arcada

Theseus is the open repository for all Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. Apart from Bachelor- and Master's theses, also Arcada publications, Arcada Working Papers and parallel publications are registered in Theseus. For the annual data collection by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Arcada library reports the Arcada staff publications and productions in Juuli.

Publication Instructions & Templates

Reference Management & Mendeley

You can use the reference management software Mendeley to get your references in order. To use Mendeley, you must first download the program and create your own user account.

Guides and Instructions

Arcada's own guides and instructions for writing and referencing:

Theses and Doctoral Dissertations from other Universities
