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Welcome to the LibGuide for Business and International Business Management. The guide helps you discover relevant literature and research, write your own research and keep up to date with your field.

Guides and Instructions

Arcada's own guides and instructions for writing and referencing:

Theses from Arcada

Theseus is an open repository for theses and publications from Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences.

Theses and Doctoral Dissertations from other Universities

Reference Management & Mendeley

You can use the reference management software Mendeley to get your references in order. To use Mendeley, you must first download the program and create your own user account.

APA Citation Style

At Arcada, the APA7 citation style is recommended when citing your sources. Learn more:


Urkund offers an automated system designed to deal with the problem of plagiarism. With a small effort from the user, plagiarism can be prevented from three main source areas: The Internet, Published Material and Student Material.

Questions? Please, contact filip.levalahti (at) arcada.fi
