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Media Management

Welcome to the LibGuide for Media Management! The guide helps you discover relevant literature and research, write your own research and keep up to date with your field.

Search for Books in Arcada Library

Use Arcada Finna to see what books are available in the Arcada library, make reservations, renew your loans and pay overdue fines. Use the national Finna portal when searching for books in other libraries (both public and university libraries)

E-book Collections

Tutorials: E-books

Learn more on how to find and use e-books with these tutorials:

Library Classification System (UDC)

You can browse the books in the  Library's Collection by clicking the call number.

Newspapers. The press. Journalism
Sociology of communication
654 Television production
659 Advertising. Public relations
Musical instruments. Acoustics
Arts. Architecture. Music
Theory of art
75 Painting
Graphic art. Graphics
Photography. Film techniques
Cinema. Motion pictures

Is something missing?

If you need a book or a journal article that is not available from the Arcada library collections, you can make an acquisition proposal (form below) or order the book/article through our interlibrary loan services by sending us an e-mail (library at arcada.fi).
