Start by checking whether the book of your choice is already owned by the library. Search our library catalogue Arcada Finna and our e-book collections for suitable literature for your course. The e-book collections that are available at Arcada are listed under the tab Books.
Please inform the library if you use an e-book as text book in your course, we can make the book more accessible and visible for students by creating a direct link in Arcada Finna.
The main rule is 1 book/5 students. The library buys e-copies of textbooks and other frequently used books whenever it is possible.
Do you have questions or requests? Please, contact the library. You are also welcome to discuss e-books with us.
Uploading digital copies (pdf-files) of articles or e-books to ItsLearning is not allowed. Instead you should give the permanent link to the article/e-book, proceeded by the address to Arcada's proxy server.
Use remote access (proxy) links when you:
Proxy links enable students to access the resources from outside the university network.
Construct the links as follows: