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In this guide you find information on the library's e-book collections and instructions for how to read and download books on different devices. Do you have any questions or do you want to give us feedback? Please, contact the library

Time to select Course Literature?

Start by checking whether the book of your choice is already owned by the library. Search our library catalogue Arcada Finna and our e-book collections for suitable literature for your course. The e-book collections that are available at Arcada are listed under the tab Books.

Please inform the library if you use an e-book as text book in your course, we can make the book more accessible and visible for students by creating a direct link in Arcada Finna.

Textbook Acquisition Policy

The main rule is 1 book/5 students. The library buys e-copies of textbooks and other frequently used books whenever it is possible.


  • Not all books are published as e-books
  • Many e-books are only available for private persons not libraries
  • Sometimes the model for licensing is very unfavorable to libraries

Do you have questions or requests? Please, contact the library. You are also welcome to discuss e-books with us.

How to construct Links to Articles and e-Books?

Uploading digital copies (pdf-files) of articles or e-books to ItsLearning is not allowed. Instead you should give the permanent link to the article/e-book, proceeded by the address to Arcada's proxy server.   

Use remote access (proxy) links when you:

  •     link material to It'sLearning or ASTA
  •     share links to articles or e-books with your students or colleagues

Proxy links enable students to access the resources from outside the university network.

Construct the links as follows:

  1. Start with the Arcada proxy server address (=Luckan) as a prefix, https://famnen.arcada.fi/bibban/link.php?login?url= 
  2. Add the permanent link to the article, e-book or database. The permanent links vary depending on the database. More information is found in Tritonia’s guide

